Another new beginning. In one hundred and ninety years we have had many new beginnings; each has been a starting point for regeneration and for new and extensive expertise. In 2021 we set a priority: to make our environmental strategy, which has been in our hearts for years, concrete and measurable. We know the paint and coatings sector has a significant effect on the life of the planet. It is therefore urgent to reduce our impact in an intelligent way, within a time period and with discernment that is useful to ensure the delicate balance between innovation and conservation. Today we are already in line with several strict protocols certifying our commitment, but this is simply a necessary premise for much more profound transformations.

An ever-lighter footprint
In recent years, Gruppo Boero has undertaken new pathways to make its footprint on the planet lighter. Today the strength of an international network allows us to improve our response to a market which is increasingly aware and more demanding regarding green issues. We have decided to begin a challenging process that will allow us to continuously observe and measure the consequences of each decision and to seek greener solutions, committing ourselves to making choices which take into consideration the overall impact of each individual strategy. Our goal soon is to create a series of solutions, which are careful not to transfer the problem, but to create new system relations.
This revolution will involve the entire organisation.
Follow our step-by-step journey towards forming new habits, in resource consumption and value creation.