There is a fundamental law in the yachting industry, and that is performance. It is because those who take on the sea cannot afford to make mistakes. The yachting industry has to balance the unpredictability of the relationships between natural elements with the predictability of the performance of the navigation tool. Every boat must keep a calculated and precise balance between different elements, both technological and aesthetic.
The painting cycle creates the skin layers of an extremely complex project, layers which are needed to come into contact with one of the most severe natural elements with which human beings have always been confronted and through which they have entered into ever wider relationships.
Networking: networks of relationships for a culture of excellence
It is precisely relationships that make it possible to build a culture of excellence, especially in a field in which it is necessary to direct every single choice and decision, measuring millimetres of thickness and studying the nuances that refine objects of prestige.

Networking and sales: trust is a company’s first gain
Commercial aspects are first and foremost networking aspects, because if a product can and must be sold, trust is a company’s first gain.
“We are capitalising on over thirty years’ work, because the good performance of our products has been tested over this period and is therefore recognised as reliable. – explains Luca Serventi, Boero’s Sales Manager – On construction sites we are always careful to exchange information, almost a form of solidarity; we reduce risk by looking at the experience of others“.
“The shipbuilding community is based in concreteness and action, even though the target is a product that we can define as craftsmanship in most cases. Our role is to always be there to assess and propose the best solution for the customer. In the culture of the Gruppo Boero, this roximity is a fundamental value, which continues to bring results”.
The world of yachting has many facets that affect the flow of decision-making and responsibility. A key issue is therefore to customise the type of intervention in order to create the best service for stakeholders with very different characteristics.

The Yachting world and the SuperYacht world: the distinction
“The basic distinction is between the Yachting world, which includes yachts under 24 metres, and the SuperYacht world, which covers both new builds over 24 metres and the refitting of large yachts,” continues Serventi. “In the first case, the stakeholders are mainly local distributors and small shipyards, while in the case of SuperYachts there are various stakeholders that have to be taken into consideration”.
“Responsibility for supply may lie with the applicator, the surveyor, the head of the Purchasing Department or the shipyard’s technical department.
The role of Boero’s various sales people is to facilitate not only the immediate objectives of the decision-maker, but also the ability to easily connect to the objectives of the other levels of his decision-making network.
Networking as knowledge to ensure compliance with requirements
There must always be a respect for the overall project: through extensive networking we try to have the knowledge that guarantees the respect of the needs“

But what are the different requirements?
The applicator will be looking for a product that is easy to use and for technical and logistical support that does not interfere with his work schedule. For the Technical/Purchasing Department, priority will be given to technical characteristics and a focus on value for money.
For Shipowners attention may be on customising and the capacity to think up solutions which link the creativity of the proposal with the solidity of what one comes up with at the end “ An example of the complexity in this particular situation is the performance of pearlescent and metallic colours, for which the perception can change a lot from the presentation of the sample to the moment of application.
In questo caso la nostra operazione di rafforzamento del network è metterci a disposizione per creare n this case, our operation to strengthen the network is to make ourselves available to create dialogue panels that make it easier to connect the finishing idea to the concrete final solution.”
Concreteness and reliability of products
The cycle of trust in Boero’s products seems to have followed that of the painting cycle: the concreteness of reliability is now recognised above all in the products that provide the foundations for the project: primers, fillers and antifouling.
Today, having consolidated the themes of performance, Boero can invest even more in the products dedicated to finishing, those that sign the boat.
From challenge to customisation, to water-based products for wood, they highlight an aesthetically-oriented research in the Yachting world that is increasingly appreciated.
Networking ideally starts with Business Developers attending industry conferences and events and presenting the Boero world, a valuable role that would have no strength if the customer were not followed at every stage. “The communication activity is fundamental, but it needs the soul of word of mouth, which our technicians earn side by side with the customer”.

Premium Partner of the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2020
During the week dedicated to the Liguria Region, the role of Premium Partner of the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai allowed us to involve our network in a series of initiatives, which made the ties even closer and allowed exchanges of great value, surprising us with the desire for cohesion and dialogue, even between apparently competing figures.
On our return to Dubai, we had some representatives of the sales network as travelling companions, who explored with us the prospects in the field of retail, in direct contact not only with the ideas presented at Expo, but also with the solutions on the streets of one of the most avant-garde cities in terms of commercial and smart city aspects.
Above all, the conference “The blue & Green Horizon for the superyacht ecosystem – the 2030 sustainability strategy” hosted a fruitful discussion between some of the key players in the Superyacht world – from designers to shipyards – who, together, contribute to building a complex, articulated and rapidly developing world.
On this occasion, the activities for surveyors also created a network within the network, showing us how innovation can start from competition, while models of closed and defensive competition are now outdated among those interested in navigating through complexity.