GRUPPO BOERO in collaboration with Lacattedrale supports the Gaslini Art Project, the dream told by street art
Gruppo Boero in collaboration with the Cathedral supports the Gaslini Art Project, the dream told by street art.
This artistic redevelopment project concerns the “city of science and health” Giannina Gaslini Children’s Hospital and will see some internationally renowned street artists create ten works of art that will color the exterior walls of the Institute of Genoa and offer children an original interpretation of the world; so as to sustain their dreams with a contribution of hope and beauty.
The first work, inaugurated on 17 May, was curated by Andrea Ravo Mattoni, who reinterpreted the 12m x 10m wall of pavilion 20. In the coming months nine other international artists will alternate with the aim of sharing their vision with all children.
Upcoming events:
June: Raul, Galo
July: Refreshink, Scaff
September: Tim Zdey, Speedy Graphito, LadyM
October: Nadege Dauvergne, Rouge For more information: https://lacattedrale.space/gaslini-art-project/