Board of Directors
President: João Martins Serrenho
Honorary President: Andreina Boero
Ângelo Barbedo César Machado
Cristina Cavalleroni Boero
Giampaolo Iacone – General Manager
João Luis Serrenho
Auditing company
PricewaterhouseCoopers SpA
Board of Statutory Auditors
Chairman: Massimo Mambelli
Anna Maria Bortolotti
Olga Russo

Giampaolo Iacone
General Manager and CFO
“Never complain, never explain.”
Benjamin Disraeli

Alessandro Beneventi
Technical and Purchasing Director
“If you want to be successful, do not seek success, seek expertise.”

Riccardo Carpanese
Group Marketing Director
“Common sense is genius in homespun.”
Alfred North Whitehead

Manuele Dechaud
HR & Innovation Director
Operations Director
“People, Process & Tool”

Gemma Gonzalez Ferrer
Yachting Business Unit Director
“Make things happen”

Virgilio Maietta
Architecture & Deco Business Unit Commercial Director
“None of us is as good as all of us.”
Roy Kroc
Letter to our Stakeholders
Our swan has been flying for over 190 years, and every day we work with passion, determination and a constant search for improvement. Over time, this has meant being able to adapt to changes in the market, as well as the historical, economic and cultural ones.
Today, we recognise before us the greatest challenge that human beings have had to face: safeguarding our own well-beingand aximising it, while guaranteeing future generations the same right.
We realise that the economic model that has brought us this far cannot be the same one that will lead us into a future of shared prosperity between people and the planet, and this translates into the imperative for change.
As the Gruppo Boero, we are ready to participate in this transformation, and we believe that the direction to follow is to look to the future, putting the value of sustainability at the centre.
In fact, the coatings sector has a major impact on the life of the planet and it is therefore urgent to reduce its impact in a Smart way, respecting the delicate balance between innovation and conservation.
Today we are already in line with strict protocols certifying our commitment, but this is simply a necessary premise for much more profound transformations.
In 2021, therefore, we set ourselves a priority: to make our social responsibility strategy concrete and measurable.
Our commitment has started with the definition of a Sustainability Plan, which will allow us to continue our transformation towards a regenerative business.
In order to do this, we want to start with our people, with those who are part of Gruppo Boero, transmitting and spreading a culture of sustainability to everyone, so that they themselves become ambassadors of our sustainable transformation.
We want everyone to know about the course we have decided to take. The refore, every year, already starting in 2022, we will commit to drawing up a Sustainability Report. The document that chronicles our progress, impacts and the goals we are pursuing for the world.
It is an uphill path, which we intend to pursue with determination, convinced that sustainability is a necessary choice to continue generating beauty now and in the future, one flap of our wings at a time.
A new alliance to continue to grow
The progressive complexity of the market has led us to choose a partner capable of supporting us during a particularly delicate transition. To handle a global vision of the future in a sustainable manner, for us and for the context in which we operate, we decided to share our journey with a company that is like us in terms of their culture, heritage, values, and experience. There was a careful incubation period, which led us from a mutual friendship to a strategy which is shared and respectful of our respective identities. CIN is a company of family origins with more than 100 years of experience in the paint and coatings market. A leading company in the market of the Iberian Peninsula since 1995, in 2020 it reached a consolidated turnover of €324 million becoming Europe’s 13th largest coatings manufacturer. CIN is present in the three main market sectors – Architectural, Industrial and Protective Coatings, it has approximately 1,400 partners in more than 15 countries, with a direct presence in Portugal, Spain, France, Poland, Turkey, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, and Mexico; exporting to various markets in Central Europe, South America, and Africa as well.
* European Coatings Journal, May 2021