A journey beginning two centuries ago
Active in the fields of architecture & deco and yachting, since 1983 Gruppo Boero has represented passion for excellence with its many brands – some of which are equally historic – Brignola, 1901 and Attiva, 1921: almost two centuries of experience, characterised by a human-centred approach towards both employees and the end customer.
Almost 50 countries, more than 5,000 customers, a turnover that with the new alliance exceeds €320 million; our stakeholders like these figures, which position Gruppo Boero among the largest companies in the world in this sector.
Nowadays in fact export activities have become a strategic business development asset. Since the beginning, the Yachting Division has always had an international vision, which has allowed Gruppo Boero to obtain the market share to position itself among the first world players in the nautical sector. Subsequently, the Architecture & Deco Division also projected itself abroad thanks to projects and collaborations carried out with international partners, to which Gruppo Boero has brought its Know-How, Made in Italy and beauty through its colors.
The swan continues its journey.

Customer Satisfaction
We are committed to defining and applying tools to verify and monitor customer and consumer satisfaction for continuous improvement and to offer real-time support to our customers through the implementation of digital and innovative tools.
Customer Stewardship
We are committed to activating policies to raise awareness among our retailers and consumers for the conscious and sustainable use of our products, encouraging them to adopt behaviour oriented towards the circular economy.
Green and Safe Products
We are committed to researching and developing new solutions to increase our range of Green and Safe products in order to improve the impact generated towards the environment and customers.